Character | Mary West, Captain Cold, Professor T. H. West (First Appearance), Joan Garrick, Captain Cold (Len Snart), Vandal Savage (Also As Vandr Adg) Villain, Pied Piper (Hartley Rathaway) (Villain), David Gulch, Blue Valley Summer Festival Commissioner, Frank Enwood First Appearance, Mr. Element (Al Desmond), Heat Wave, Ayesha (Maharanee of Jodapur, Introduction), Tommy Davis, Captain Cold (Leonard Snart) (Villain), Rita, Hal Jordan (Cameo), Ray Palmer (Cameo), Carter Hall (Cameo), J. M. Leach (Tailor), Joan Williams (Joan Garrick), Flash (Jay Garrick) (Earth-2), Billy Trent, Professor T. H. West, Shade (Richard Swift), Mirror Master (Sam Scudder), Jimmy Harlow, Eobard Thawne (Villain), Wonder Woman (Diana Prince) (Earth-2), Dr. Walter Drake, T. O. Morrow First Appearance, Hawkman (Carter Hall) (Earth-2), Villain, The Makryds First Appearance, Two Unnamed Common Crooks (Villains), Harry Watkins, Pied Piper, The Top, Dream Girl (Priscilla Varner) (First Appearance), Klkan (Alien from Gyr), Ben Haddon (Villain), Professor Ivo (Villain), Green Lantern (Alan Scott) (Earth-2), Danny Ralston (Crooked Brother, Introduction), Kid Flash (Wally West), Dave Dent, Weather Wizard (Mark Marden), Heat Wave (Mick Rory) (First Appearance, Villain), Doralla Kon, Dexter Myles (First Appearance), Phantom Criminals from the Planet Kilor, Ryla (First Appearance), Sheriff of Blue Valley, Duplicate Green Lanterns, Jimmy Darrel (First Appearance), Trickster (James Jesse), Abra Kadabra (Villain), Elongated Man, The Land-Sea-Air Gang (Villains), Jackson, Alice (Homeless Girl), Dr. Mid-Nite (Charles Mcnider), Slor Disi (64th Century Policeman), Tommy, Justice Society of America JSA, K-10 Gang, Villains, Dr. Hutson, Aquaman (Cameo), Origin, Dr. Mid-Nite (Charles Mcnider) (Earth-2), Rudy West, Charley (Villain), Ak-Zaka (Introduction, Leader of Thieves on Planet Kilor), Mrs. Prentiss (Housekeeper), Captain Boomerang (Digger Harkness), Also As Missile Man, Flash Barry Allen, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Rita (Future Mrs. Desmond, Introduction), Mayor of Blue Valley, Professor Zoom Reverse-Flash, Jerry, Carol Ferris, Andy, Tower City Police Officers, Dexter Myles, Gorilla Grodd, Captain Boomerang, Top (Roscoe Dillon), Joey Ralston (Crooked Brother, Introduction), Reverse-Flash (Aka Professor Zoom, Eobard Thawne), Reverse-Flash (Aka Professor Zoom, Eobard Thawne) First Appearance, Henry Willens (First Appearance), Sue Dibny, Abra Kadabra, Rudolph West, Paul Gambi First Appearance, Reverse-Flash (Aka Professor Zoom) (Eobard Thawne), Top (Roscoe Dillon) (Villain), Freddy Garson, Pola, Johnny Thunder (Earth-2), Flash (Jay Garrick), Mrmol (Alien from Gyr), Mary West (Wally's Mom), Solovar, Iris West, Rod Pagin First Appearance, Flash (Barry Allen), Atom (Al Pratt) (Earth-2) |