Character | Wonder Woman (Robotic Version from A Parallel Earth), Unnamed A.R.G.U.S. Agents (Deaths), Other Unidentified Villains (Of Earth -44, Flashback), Red Tornado, Batman (Bruce Wayne), Penguin (Of Earth -22, Deceased), Lobo, Unnamed Court of Owls Members (Deceased), Dark Multiverse Versions of Wonder Woman, Nightwing (Dick Grayson) (in Drawing on Wall), Aquaman, The Red Death, Alfred Pennyworth (Of Earth -44, Flashback, Death), Kid Flash (Wally West) (Second Wally West), Batman (Bruce Wayne) (in Drawing on Wall), Justice League Superman, Two-Face (Harvey Dent) (Of Earth -44, Flashback), Green Lantern (Chaselon), Batman the Devastator, Red Hood (Jason Todd) (in Drawing on Wall), Flash (All of Earth -12, Flashback), Other Unnamed Joker Children (Of Earth -22, Infected by the Joker), Unnamed Metropolis Citizens (Transformed by Doomsday Virus), Green Lantern (Apros), Iris Allen, Etta Candy, Batman the Merciless Batman, Justice League (Of Earth -44), Dark Robin (Damian Wayne) (Of Earth -22), Father Time, Red Hood (Of Earth -22, Death), Dark Multiverse Versions of Batman, Amanda Waller, Plastic Man (Of Earth -22, Death), Rex the Wonder Dog (Flashback), The Batman Who Laughs (Agent of Barbatos), The Murder Machine, The Joker (Of Earth -22, Death), Dark Multiverse Version of Aquaman, Batman the Drowned (Bryce Wayne) (Of Earth -11), Green Lantern (Salaak), Ganthet (Of Earth -32 Universe, Death), The Devastator (Dark Multiverse Versions of Batman), Other Unidentified Green Lanterns (All of Earth -32 Universe, Deaths), The Red Death (Also As Barry Allen of Earth -52) (Death), Superman (Clark Kent) (Trapped in the Dark Multiverse), Catwoman (Of Earth -22, Deceased), The Merciless, Dark Knights The Batman Who Laughs, Green Lantern (Simon Baz), The Alfred Protocol (Cybernetic Version of the Alfred of Earth -44), Penguin's Unnamed Henchmen (Of Earth -32, Death), Cybernetic Versions of Batman the Murder Machine, Unidentified Bandaged Captive of the Batman Who Laughs, Aquawoman (Of Earth -11, Flashback, Death), Black Canary, Aquaman (Simian Version from Earth 53), Superman (Clark Kent) (Of Earth -1, Flashback, Death), Robin (Damian Wayne) (in Drawing on Wall), Detective Chimp (Bobo), Lead, Batman (Bruce Wayne) (Of Earth -12), Bane (Of Earth -44, Flashback), Commissioner James Gordon (Of Earth -32, Death), The Dawnbreaker, Thomas Wayne (Of Earth -32, Death), Martha Wayne (Of Earth -32, Death), Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) (All of Earth -44, Flashback), Green Arrow (Oliver Queen), Other Dark Robins (Of Earth -22), Swamp The Thing (Flashback), Aquaman (Pirate Version from A Parallel Earth), Supergirl (Kara Zor-El), Penguin (Oswald Cobblepot) (Of Earth -32, Death), Scarecrow (Of Earth -52, Death), Justice League Batman, Unnamed Father (Of Earth -22, Death), Unnamed Orphaned Girl (Of Earth -22, Infected by the Joker), The Devastator, Tin, Dr. Thomas Oscar Morrow, Iron, Green Lantern, Metal Men Platinum, Batman (Vampire Version from A Parallel Earth), Justice League (Of Earth -22) Superman (Of Earth -22, Death), Killer Croc (Waylon Jones) (Of Earth -44, Flashback), Unnamed Daily Planet Staff, Superboy (Jon Kent), Wonder Woman (Of Earth -22, Death), Hawkman, Superwoman (Lana Lang), Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane) (Of Earth -32), Flash (Wally West) (Original Wally West), Jimmy Olsen, Firestorm Ronnie Raymond, Ares (Of Earth -12, Death), Egg Fu, General Samuel Lane, Cassius (Great-Grandson of Black Eagle), Power Girl, Doctor Fate, Director Bones, Man-Bat (Of Earth -52, Death), The Batman Who Laughs, Gold, Wonder Woman (Diana Prince), Martian Manhunter (Of Earth -22, Death), Stubbs, Hawkman (Of Earth -22, Death), Unnamed Men (Cruel to Bobo, Flashback), Tom Kalmaku (Pieface), Penguin (Of Earth -52, Death), Batman the Murder Machine (Bruce Wayne) (Of Earth -44), Red Robin (Of Earth -22, Death), Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Dr. Will Magnus, Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) (in Drawing on Wall), Unnamed Blackhawk Island Employees, Cowgirl (Jillian Pearlman), Guardian (Jim Harper), Jon Kent (Of Earth -22, Death), Unnamed Atlanteans (Of Earth -11, Flashback), Wonder Woman (Diana) (Of Earth -12, Deceased), Red Robin (Tim Drake) (in Drawing on Wall), Martian Manhunter, Lois Lane, James Gordon, Aquaman (Arthur Curry), Batman the Red Death (Bruce Wayne) (Of Earth -52), Orion (Of Earth -22, Death), Professor Ivo, Dr. Silas Stone, Unidentified Coast City Residents, Unidentified Villain (Of Earth -22, Deceased), Nightwing (Of Earth -22, Death), Barbatos, Unnamed Police Officers (Flashback), Mera, Colonel Jonas, Harley Quinn (Harleen Quinzel) (Of Earth -44, Flashback), The Riddler (Of Earth -52, Death), Dead Waters (Of Earth -11), Batman the Dawnbreaker Green Lantern, Other Guardians of the Universe (Of Earth -32 Universe, Deaths), Dark Multiverse Versions of the Flash, Raven (Rachel Roth), Unnamed Mother (Of Earth -22, Death), Batman the Devastator (Bruce Wayne) (Of Earth -1), Steve Trevor, Batman (Bruce Wayne) (Of Earth -32), Superman (Clark Kent), Dark Robins, The Batman Who Laughs (Bruce Wayne) (Of Earth -22), The Flash (Barry Allen) (Of Earth -52), Flash, Green Lantern (Jessica Cruz), Joe Chill (Of Earth -32, Death), Killer Croc (Of Earth -22, Deceased), Unnamed Amnesty Bay Residents (Deaths), Other Unnamed Earth -22 Residents, Fred (Bobo's Friend, Flashback, Death), Other Dark Knights The Red Death, Unnamed Citizens of Detroit, The Drowned, Green Lantern Corps (Of Earth -32 Universe) Green Lantern (Kilowog), Martin Stein, Dark Multiverse Versions of Green Lantern, Lois Lane (Of Earth -22, Death), Dark Multiverse Versions of Superman, Red Tornado (Of Earth -22, Death), Veronica Cale, The Flash (Of Earth -22, Death), Doctor Sivana, Doctor Fate (Voice Only), Cyborg, Green Lantern (Galius Zed), Batgirl (Of Earth -22, Death), Mercury, Unnamed Citizens of Earth -44, Flash (Barry Allen) |